Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Incursion Plastics, Part 1

Catching up on some painting...

(click on the pix to enlarge)
MI-13 (Rear Left to Right): Nigel, Commando, Ack Pack x2 (Flamer), Grenadier
(Foreground Center): Gut Gunner

SWD (Left to Right): Bomber Zombies x2, Hugo Von X, Drohne and
Gretel Von X (Classic pose)

Fallschirmjager Droptroopers (Rear Left to Right): Droptrooper, Flammenwerfer, Panzerfaustwerfer, Hilde Becker and Feldwebel(Foreground Left to Right)Droptrooper and MG42 Trooper
Luck 7th (Left to Right): Grunt APE, Rosie the Riveter, HMG APE, Grunt APE and Blazer 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Rebasing HeroClix Miniatures

Finally got access to a laser cutter and got me some clear round bases for use with my HeroClix and any scifi minis.

(click on the pix to enlarge)
25mm, 30mm and 40mm

Clear bases give them a cleaner look

OK, maybe too big of a bite?

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

New and Old Toys, Part 5

Taking advantage of my already set up table...

(click on the pix to enlarge)
Meanwhile, Mars attacks and Earth forces defends...

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

New and Old Toys, Part 4

Dusting off some of my cardboard buildings from DropZone Commander and posing my other minis amongst this urban setting.

(click on the pix to enlarge)
No room on my table,
solution: coffee table will suffice

Lay down a few road tiles and
top it all off with a plexi sheet
Voila! Instant urban battlefield
An ominous looking dropship
mysteriously lands at an urban center

A hatch opens and a Scout ventures
out as a Command Bug looks on

A rapid response Mech team is quickly
dispatched amid a loud klaxon

The bugs are fanning out and looking to unload
their recon in force pod! The encounter escalates
as the Mechs are reinforced with assault infantry in battle 

Air support!

AT-43 Red Blok Spetnaz Kolossus, why not?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Bolt Action: Japs vs Marines

A few months ago, Mikey and I decided to try one of the amphib scenarios using Bolt Action, some 15mm minis on his Hexon table. Great fun was had by all. Sorry, this isn't really an AAR, just enjoy the pix, why doncha?

(click on the pix to enlarge)

Mikey's homemade bunkers using ceramic tiles

Sunday, January 10, 2016

More Proxying Fun: Ars Victor with 10mm Pendraken Fantasy, Part 5

Almost done with proxying the minis for Ars Victor. I wanted to get units that would visually represent the Brutes, Lancers and Scavengers. Luckily I found Pendraken Fantasy in 10mm. 

They have a great line and a variety to choose
from. What's more is the close scale match with
the MechWarrior Clix miniatures

(click on the pix to enlarge)
These Barbarians would make fine Scavengers 

Barbarians ready for flocking

Scavengers emerging from the woods

Brutes ready to rumble

Lancers are ready as well

I almost forgot one more unit that needed to transition from their original clix bases to match the game bases.

Much better!


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