Sunday, August 1, 2021

Out of Storage Part 2: Steppe-ing out

I brought out more of my 28mm miniatures and next thing I know, I'm having a session with my iPhone.  I got out my 2x2 Mini-Terrain Table with clouded skyline backdrop and started snapping. 

Heavy MG team with the legendary DShK from
Black Tree Design, operational and limbered 


NKVD Medium MG with the iconic Maxim 
Foreground minis from Copplestone
Rear MMG Team from BTD

Copplestone Limbered

Copplestone Limbered

Anti-tank teams sporting the Boys PTRD Rifle from BTD

Trying to get a bead on a column

Prone for attack and assault

Here's my 25mm BMW Motortrupen
from Battle Honours

MG 34 team also from Battle Honours