Sunday, March 14, 2021

Space Hulk

I'm back...

out there! It's been a couple of years since my last post on my Royal British Marines (28mm) to complement, skirmish and oppose my Caribbean Pirates. Life got in the way and fast forward to today, I realized that I need to get blogging again.

This post was drafted back in 2018 documenting a game day I had with a recently deceased gamer buddy and fellow blogger, Willy Schweis (aka Ltl Dad, Sturm_flieger and Veloci, his blogger avatars)Space Hulk. WE MISS YOU WILLY!

Gameday: Space Hulk

Gameday with some friends playing some old school Space Hulk!

Figures painted by Willy

Gene Stealers

More Gene Stealers

Terminator Hero

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you back, you've been missed!

    Great to see you return with a classic and well beloved game.
    I hope that the memories with your friend give you smiles
