Sunday, January 10, 2016

More Proxying Fun: Ars Victor with 10mm Pendraken Fantasy, Part 5

Almost done with proxying the minis for Ars Victor. I wanted to get units that would visually represent the Brutes, Lancers and Scavengers. Luckily I found Pendraken Fantasy in 10mm. 

They have a great line and a variety to choose
from. What's more is the close scale match with
the MechWarrior Clix miniatures

(click on the pix to enlarge)
These Barbarians would make fine Scavengers 

Barbarians ready for flocking

Scavengers emerging from the woods

Brutes ready to rumble

Lancers are ready as well

I almost forgot one more unit that needed to transition from their original clix bases to match the game bases.

Much better!

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