Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Scale Differences: Time Cast vs GHQ, Part 1

There's a definite scale difference between two 6mm (micro armor 1/285th or 1/300) manufacturers: Time Cast and GHQ. I prefer Time Cast because of it's truer scale proportions comparable to real buildings. GHQ makes great micro armor scale vehicles but tend to compress the scale when doing buildings IMHO.

(click on the pix to enlarge)
L-R: Lvov Town Houses and Orthodox Church by Timecast,
Country Manor and Town Homes by GHQ

In the foreground are GHQ infantry mounted on pennies

L-R: Orthodox Church by Timecast, Country Manor and Town Homes by GHQ.
Notice how the GHQ Town Homes are severely out of scale and proportion

Numerous Timecast Euro farm houses

Numerous Timecast Eastern Front hovels and cottages



  1. Wow - that quite a village you are building there my friend! They will look fantastic on the table.

    All terrain is a compromise between ground scale and figure scale, and yes it does look a bit strange sometimes when you put things from different manufacturers together. However, once you set back to usual gaming height and/or disperse the buildings about, nobody will notice.

    About to buy some 6mm ECW terrain myself so I know what you mean

  2. thanx, paul. i'm getting them ready for more micro battles: ww2, modern and beyond.

  3. Great looking village, very nice job...
