Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Streets of Stalingrad, Part 1: A Bolt Action Meeting Engagement

Urban fighting in the streets of Stalingrad have always been a favorite theme of mine and with Bolt Action rules it's been satisfying so far. Some of you may remember a few batreps I had posted in the past with other attempts at wargaming this setting using rules sets like Nuts! and Flying Lead. 

Unfortunately both rules sets mentioned left me confused, frustrated and unsatisfied with their complexities (e.g. Flying Lead grenade rules) and numerous chart referencing thereby resulting in non-resolution of tactical situations. Not so with Bolt Action.

For this game we decided on another meeting engagement with roughly equal sides of infantry and armored support. To master the game mechanics and to ensure a fast flowing game we started with small and simple teams and minimal vehicles. 

Here are the belligerents:
(click on the pix to enlarge)
The Soviet Command Team: 1st Lieutenant (Naval) in the center flanked by SMG armed infantry.

1st Squad with SMG armed NCO, 8 Riflemen, and an LMG gunner and loader. Using the Soviet special rule, this squad is 'free'.

2nd Squad with SMG armed NCO plus two additonal SMGs, 6 Riflemen, and an LMG gunner and loader. This squad is not 'free'.

3rd Squad has the same composition as 2nd squad and has the same points cost.

Weapons support: medium MG with a crew of 3.

Armor support: SU76 aka Suchka (Little Bitch in Russian b/c of her unreliable steering) in the foreground with a T34/76 backing her up.  

The German Command Team: 1st Lieutenant in the center flanked by an SMG and Panzerfaust armed infantry.

1st Squad with SMG armed NCO and 9 Riflemen.

2nd Squad with SMG armed NCO, 7 Riflemen, and an LMG gunner and loader.

Weapons support: medium MG with a crew of 3.
The ever ubiquitous SdKfz251/10 HT for support.

The awesome StuGIIIG!

Coming up next: the encounter!

1 comment:

  1. Great forces mate! I've always wanted to do a Stalingrad style battle too but it remains on my 'to do' list :-D
