Friday, April 18, 2014

Mini Tanks Part 1: The Simple and Reliable SU-76M

The SU-76M was a ubiquitous AFV that was an all around, all purpose gun for the Soviets. From self propelled artillery to tank hunting, she was able to do it all. It's always been a favorite of mine because of its simplicity in her design and I have collected this vehicle in numerous scales. Technically, it's not a tank but an Assault Gun but being built on the T70 chassis it at least fits that size category.

According to Wikipedia: 

"Crews loved this vehicle for its simplicity, reliability, and ease of use. However, the steering was also sometimes regarded as cumbersome, leading crews to also refer to the vehicle as suka ("bitch") or Suchka ("little bitch")." 

(click on the pix to enlarge)

The resin and metal castings of this model are of superior quality.
The crew is fully detailed and can be modeled inside or outside of their vehicle.
There's barely any flash on these models. Truly worth it!

Again, the quality is evident in how the parts fit
together perfectly with no time wasted on prep
(as in sanding or carving to make the pieces fit together). 

Aside from the fine detail of this model's exterior,
the same quality is extended in the fighting compartment.
There's even ammo shells molded on the insides. 

Prep consisted of washing the assembled model in water and dish washing liquid.
After drying she's mounted on nails and is ready for primer and color. 
In between these steps I usually dry brush with a Sand color before weathering.

Here she is with a StuG IIIG (also from Warlord) 
without side skirts that I'll feature in a post all her own.
After weathering and another go at dry brushing
 with highlights,
I applied Army Painter's Quickshade Strong Tone by brush rather than dipping.
I let it cure per directions then hit it Testor's Dull Kote and voila!

Here's the finished product ready for gaming.
I tested her out using a good combination of firepower:
my Suchka partnered with a T34/76
(this is a nice model from P.M.D. and available from Battlemart).

Here's Suchka in action trying to get a bead on a hidden SdKfz 251 HT.
Stay tuned for the next post as she and her sister (T34/76)
will be pitted against a StuGIIIG (shown above) and an 
SdKfz 251/10 HT. 

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