Monday, December 10, 2012

Playing Amongst the Asteroids!

What do you get when you rub two sticks together mixed with rocks?

A game of the new XWing amidst an asteroid field, that's what!

Hi everyone! My apologies for not posting sooner. I've been getting as much gaming while getting acclimated to a new employment contract. Not an excuse - just a fact. It was a toss up between gaming and blogging. WWYD? Game, I hope.

In the meanwhile here's some shots of a game day last month playing with the new XWing and my latest asteroids acquisitions I blogged about in 'roids: quick and easy! (

I'm gonna let the pix speak for themselves.

Coming soon. More historical action using the Command and Colors system paired up with minis.


  1. GREAT action shots! What are the extras you have used for explosions?

    Your 'roids look awesome too!

  2. hey paul, thanks again for the kudos. the explosion markers are actually cards that come with the xwing game. they photograph really well on the hotz star map and the 'roids.
