Monday, April 25, 2011

Incursion 3D Board, PART 4 DONE

In preparation for hosting an Incursion game in the upcoming Houston Comicpalooza 2011 on May 27-28 I've been feverishly working on completing the second half of the 3D board. I'm happy to report that that task has been completed.
Board 2 base ready to go. Previous post discusses construction of this base.
Board 1 and original game board.
I've stuck to emulating the original board configuration.
Same with Board 2 shown here with completed wall sections.
Added extra wall detailing and embellishments.
Test fittings with the lab doors.

Board 1 in the foreground with completed Board 2 beyond.
Wall detailing and floor staining completed.
A couple of more steps needed towards final product.
Board 2 on the left.
Scale test with minis, etc.; GCP (general control panel) and lab doors by Fenris Games.
Only thing lacking are the posters.

Industrial light fixtures have also been added. 

New propaganda posters applied.
And yes, the SWD is all present and accounted for with some
additional Zombies from the AT-43 O.N.I. faction.

If any of you out there are in the Houston area and are planning on attending the Comicpalooza at the George R. Brown Convention Center on May 27-28, 2011 please stop by and say 'hi'. I'm slotted to run the game on Saturday but have no details as of yet regarding details and specifics. 

SWD exclusive up next...


  1. You shame me, Sir, with both your productivity and skill! I am insanely jealous of both :-)

    Your second board is every bit as good as your first - very well done indeed. I trust you will have a ball putting it into action!

  2. thanx everyone for your kind words! i'm fortunate to have the time, energy and passion available to indulge myself into this great hobby! i was able to use board 2 at this past weekends gaming with my mates.

  3. That is incredible! Fantastic h=job Herodadog! I'm feverishly working away on my own board no. 1 but have very little to show as yet. Yours is superb.

  4. I think its totally illegal to say you've used it, but then not post any action shots. Yep, immoral too :-)

  5. @zombie ad - thnx! looking forward to yours.

    @man cave - be patient my friend. action shots are coming with the subsequent post dedicated towards the swd. ;p
