Sunday, December 26, 2010

MagCon II - Better late than never

Whew! Time for an after holidays breather... 

Earlier this month I attended Mag Con II held in New Caney, Texas a bit north of Houston. Good times were had by all. I was fortunate enough to run a couple of games. And before the doors opened I had a chance to walk around and snap some pix.

Beautiful eye popping Stalingrad Factory Complex buildings and terrain all scratch built by Mario Smith of Precision Design Models.


King of the Ring is a beer and pretzel fighting game which is also a free public domain game from France provided by Mike West.

World at War: Blood and Bridges hosted by me. 

That's me in the Soviet shirt.

My urban ruins table set up for Willy next table over to run his WWII Flying Lead and Nuts! scenarios. Read the batrep it on his blog post:


  1. Hi friend, u blog have thongs very interesting, i doscover today thanks to Angry Lucker who put u blog in his favorites, visit my blog if u want, i visit u blog frecuently. Well done Mate!!!
