Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Incursion 3D Board - REVISED, PART 1A


In my never ending quest for better ways of creating terrain for games I enjoy and play I must say that my last post on using ceramic tiles needed to be improved upon.

 I realized that I could do better.

For lots of reasons including weight, ease of constructibility and (my personal favorite) COST this would be the way to go. So without further ado...

(click on the pix to enlarge)
Same old masonite panel except this time I'm substituting 12"x12" self-stick VCT (vinyl composition tile) from Armstrong for ceramic tile.

Using a fine line pen for creating the 2" grid.

VCT tiles with 2" grid that have been adhered to the masonite boards.

Another test fit and so far looks "Wundebar". Of course those wall sections need to be redone.
Stay tuned...

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