Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Micro Armor / Board Game Conversion Terrain Components, whew!

Long title, I know, but I've decided to post this explanatory post regarding terrain components I use for my micro armor / board game conversion to answer multiple questions I've been getting from different forum groups.

Here goes...
Everything I need (and carry) to fit on a 4'x6' table and run a game. 
Here's an assortment of blocks, trees, colored beads (as gaming aids since I abhor using counters if at all necessary), colored sand, etc. I recommend getting a leveling laser for determining LOS. 
I used GHQ Terrain Maker hexes cut down to 1/8" thick to better simulate rolling hills proportioned for micro. Note the different colored hexes: green for Euro and variegated sand color for Mid East. I had to create additional terrain hexes as well to represent cratered areas in the Blood and Bridges map. These hexes where cut to about 1/16 thickness and I used a slurry mix of white glue, sand and paint to simulate the craters. Base coat and dry brush for visual effect. 
City Components: loose 3/4" and 1/2" blocks, spray painted gray for generic urban / town setting.  Beige / sand colored blocks are used for Mid East scenarios (see below)
Standard gray chip board cut to match hex, this represents hard paved areas such as concrete and asphalt, note the absence of streets, etc. The plainer the better.
Evergreen trees were the easiest form to represent especially for generic European settings (as the current World at War system is based on). Trees on the left were handmade by my buddy Justo (aka Uncle Greasy, another consummate gamer par excellence) and are free standing. Trees on the right were from GHQ Terrain Maker as are the hills (which I've cut to 1/8" thickness).
Scratch built trellis bridges - more cost effective for me especially since I need a few of these buggers (8 minimum) for the Blood and Bridges map. Lotsa river crossings!

My interpretation and answer to modeling Middle East towns. Any guesses on how I constructed the minaret? Hint: they're all initially separate pieces. I've used these in a couple of Arab-Israeli scenarios included in the World at War Compendium along with a desert Hotz Mat (which is too plain vanilla and I'd have to modify color-wise - look for that upcoming post) and Terrain Maker hexes.
Put 'em all together and Voila!

Infantry platoons fighting from town hexes. Roads: sand, Rough hex adjacent to town: lizard litter; Fields: print fabric
Bottom line is that I use my imagination when perusing the aisles of any craft store. I'm always on the lookout for anything that can simulate real life prototypes on my gaming table. There are plenty of generic materials ready made that can be used to enhance our gaming tables for maximum eye candy without spending a fortune.

On to more gaming...

1 comment:

  1. All right! Now that you're so mobile, I will be expecting to see you tonight for some gaming.
