Tuesday, August 31, 2010

WIP: GIs, Airborne and more Fallschirmjagers

OK. It's been awhile since my last post. So to fill that gap here's a few snaps of my current work in progress dry brushed and ready for color. First are GIs that I'm repainting for my buddy Willy. He and I scored on some pre-painted 28mm. So if you happen to know which manufacturer these GIs are can you please drop me an email. I suspect that they're BTD but someone puh-lease confirm. At any rate, I've never painted Americans before so I offered to repaint these 10 figs for him. We haven't figured out what brand they are but definitely good sculpts that will paint up nicely.

Standard GIs

Standard GIs



More Germans on the way to supplement my Fallschirmjagers that Black Tree Design finally sent me. I still have a few coming but for now...
MG42 Team
 BMW Troopen are coming. Slowly but surely.

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