Welcome! With a historical premise, this blog quickly degenerates into miscellaneous trivia and other serendipitous tidbits regarding miniatures gaming that runs the gamut from historical to whacky to whatever-the-hell genre I’m into at the moment. "Squirrel!" I’ll populate this blog with eye candy and images to water the eye of any visitor whether an unsuspecting layperson or veteran miniature gamer. Please enjoy your visit and thanks for hangin’ out.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Just finished a small unit of ten 28mm PanzerGrenadiers from Battle Honors for use with Nuts! They'll supplement my Fallschirmjagers nicely while duking it out with Strelkovy. A bit smaller than Black Tree Design. However the poses are pretty good aside from the obligatory prone figures and grenade throwing hero.
They really turned out nice. I love the guys in the 'Herman Meyer' hats and the guy fiddling with the bolt in his KAR98 is a really nice fig too.