Saturday, December 26, 2015

Hai on More Conversions! Part 1

Here's the latest project on my table. Conversion of the board game Samurai Battles to another miniatures game using Hexon and 6mm Baccus Samurai figures.

The game comes with these beautiful 1/72nd scale plastics from Zvezda. 

However, I didn't like the aesthetic look. To me it does not capture the epic scale that I've seen in those Kurosawa films (Ran, Kagemusha, etc.) and gives me the impression of a small unit / skirmish game feel. Hence my conversion. 

Ran: Ashigaru Arquebusiers deploying

The following pix are progress shots of this current project. As you can see below the 6mm scale gives a better visual for some truly epic battles. Incidentally, our group has been doing the same for most of the Command and Colors family of games (e.g. Memoir 44, Battle Cry, Command and Colors Ancients and Napoleonics). And we've been having great success in the look and feel complemented by the great playability of this system.

From L-R, Black Army, Red Army
Finally completed opposing armies fully represented on my
table top using my Hexon terrain. I have enough here to play all
the scenarios from the base game to the latest expansion.

I've decided to take a count of all the units in the scenarios and represented them as single stands. All combat units except the Peasant Infantry (found in the expansion) are 4 stands strong. Meaning they take 4 hits to kill. That's represented by four figures per stand in the original game. I chose to use single 2"x3" metal stands from Games Accessories... 4 banners each...

Finally my order came in from Baccus and first order of business was
sort them into their unit types. It was a daunting task that completely
overwhelmed me. I knew I had to be systematic in this approach. 

Notice that some of the minis are black primered. In my earlier attempt, I primered a few bags and realized that it was better for me to restart the process and get them all sorted in their respective units first then I can paint them piecemeal.

Here are 3 AY (Ashigaru Yari = Non Samurai Spearmen) 
Medium Infantry units for the Red Army

Same units from another angle. Notice that each unit has four
sashimonos (flag banners) to represent their hit points 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

New Scav Alert! Part 4: Decoration Sites

Continuing my series of re-purposing found objects from the different craft worlds online and in brick and mortar sites I found these great pre-painted metal gate and fence on a popular seasonal decoration on line store: Department 56 Village Replacements

Here's a tip: their store is not that organized and have lots of variety. If you do find something that you like, better to pull the trigger then and there since you might not find it the next time. 

My Black Scorpion Pirates fit nicely

The stone wall with some snow was another
item that I found at the same site

Observation tower courtesy of a flea market find at Historicon

Mix and match: the dark brown crates are pre-painted
models from Pegasus Hobbies

Wood pier on the left was also another item in their catalog.
Good luck finding it, though. Last I check, it wasn't available.

Friday, December 18, 2015

New Scav Alert! Part 3: rafting Store Floral Dept. Finds

It's that time of year again where I discover some great finds from my local, neighborhood dollar store.

If you're in the continental U.S. there should
be one of these babies in your neighborhood

Just a serendipitous find. As usual, I kept my eye peeled for any potential item that can be used for all my gaming needs. Case in point, I looked at these plain, unobtrusive objects with a miniaturist's eye and always imagined how they can be utilized as part of a scene on my gaming table. 

I saw these seemingly innocent items at the crafting,
floral aisle and I immediately thought of moss covered
boulders perfect for any period / fantasy skirmishing 

A bit of an imagination goes a long way for creating
our gaming scenes and I'm always on the lookout
for 'eye candy' opportunities. 

28mm metal Viking figures are from my Gripping Beast
collection with rune stones from Fenris Games and the odd
bits of trees I've collected through the years 

One on one

Incidentally, those pines trees were an earlier purchase from same Dollar Tree and was featured in an earlier post: New Scav Alert! Part 1